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Who invented the compression sock?

That guy (or gal) needs a Pulitzer prize or at least an edible arrangement. The swelling is down praise the LAWD. I don't think any of us could have taken another day like yesterday. Leaving Richa at school was horrible with a capital H. She was ok with showing up legless and she was fine with being in a wheelchair, but the minute her dad said she wouldn't be going to her regular class with her friends she broke down. Her math/reading teacher was already sobbing at this point. We knew we had to make her go to school though. 1) she loves it and B) coddling her isn't going to help her grow into a resilient adult. It's a tough lesson to learn and it's a tough lesson to teach your kids, but it's necessary. It's especially hard to teach this lesson to your 15 year old adopted child that has only known you for 3 months. Oy.

As in typical Prodigy Leadership Academy fashion Richa's needs were given priority, and at noon Cleopatra was carried up the steps in her wheelchair allowing her to spend the afternoon in her regular class. There are no words to describe the relief I felt when I heard this news. I also made a mental note to say a special prayer for Mr. Grammer and Mr. Fanger's lower backs.

To add insult to injury she had a prosthetic appointment after school that included taking measurements and instructions to wear a compression sock 24/7 for the next few days. Did I mention she's on her period too? By the time we all got home Richa was emotionally spent, her dad was running back up to the hospital to finish up work, and I was left alone with grumpasauras. When your child is physically or emotionally in pain the first instinct is to try and comfort them. Anytime I attempt to show affection to her or connect I'm usually rejected, but it's worse when she's feeling down. The combination of both was too much for me to bare and so I ended my day sobbing until I fell asleep. I'm so thankful I have a husband that will hold me, let me cry, and reassure me that her feelings towards me aren't personal. Logically I know this, but man in the moment it's hard to grasp.

The best part about any bad day is that eventually it comes to an end, and the next morning is a fresh start. Today Richa woke up a happy girl, Andrew and I made some changes to her routine (no Ipad during the week), and I'm popping in and out of school today to help carry her up and down the steps keeping her routine consistent. The kids in her class are bright spots to both of our souls. "Whose mom are you?" "I'm Richa's mom....can't you see the resemblance?" I crack myself up. Our circumstances today are another opportunity for our relationship to grow, and for her to see that she can allow herself to love me because I'm not going anywhere (even when I want to run away and join a traveling anything). In the meantime I'm going to soak up all the puppy love I can, stretch my back, and maybe take some Ibuprofen.

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