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Helping her paddle......

"Is there anything you want to talk to God about tonight?" I knew her response....I knew what she would say. I dreaded it almost as much as I dreaded the emotions her prayer request would evoke in me. This inevitable dialogue is what keeps me from asking her for prayer topics nightly like I should.

As I expected, she wanted to pray that her best friend in India would get adopted. Reminding me that I've never prayed for anything 8 solid months in a row. Then to my surprise she hesitantly added she worries about her dog Maddie (still in India).....that Maddie will die and Richa won't know. Silence. I look at my husband. Tears.

When Richa came home one of her house rules was to make eye contact when she spoke to us. Now I notice that she yearns for it, needs it, and searches me for truth within it. I couldn't lie to her if I wanted to.

Her eyes locked on mine I told her how sorry we were she had to leave Sony and Maddie in India. I told her that we wish we could have brought Maddie to America, that when my dog Sami died my first thought was "I know exactly how Richa feels. We miss our babies everyday and our heart hurts for them." As I said this she surprised me again....she grabbed my hand with a little smile in unified understanding and sorrow.

I didn't have any answers tonight. No ways to fix the pain. All her Dad and I could do was sit with her in her little red and hot pink boat as we both floated down a river of heartbreak, uncertainty, tears, and hope....for what....I'm not sure.....but something beautiful and lovely that ultimately ends in purpose.

My Adoption Tips


Pray for guidance



Nothing is a coincidence.



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